Source code for pickrunner.gui

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''The Pickrunner base interface.

This module contains an abstract controller that is used to implement different
DCC environments, such as Maya, and a GUI that the controller can be used for.


import abc
import textwrap

from Qt import QtWidgets

from . import visibility_widget

class DirectionPad(QtWidgets.QWidget):

    '''A widget that shows buttons in a grid for up/down/left/right.

    Like the name implies, this widget lays out its default directions like a "+"
    sign, with "main_widget" in the middle.

    By default this widget doesn't do anything. It's meant to be added to other
    widgets and have functions connected to its buttons.


    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        '''Create the default children for this widget.

            parent (:obj:`<QtCore.QObject>`, optional):
                Qt-based associated object. Default is None.

        super(DirectionPad, self).__init__(parent=parent)
        self.directions = dict()

        self.main_widget = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Load selection')
        self.direction_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout()

        left_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Left')
        right_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Right')
        up_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Up')
        down_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Down')

        widgets = [
            ('center', self.main_widget),
            ('left', left_button),
            ('right', right_button),
            ('up', up_button),
            ('down', down_button),

        for storage_name, widget in widgets:
            self.directions[storage_name] = widget

        self.direction_layout.addWidget(up_button, 0, 1)
        self.direction_layout.addWidget(left_button, 1, 0)
        self.direction_layout.addWidget(self.main_widget, 1, 1)
        self.direction_layout.addWidget(right_button, 1, 2)
        self.direction_layout.addWidget(down_button, 2, 1)



[docs]class BehaviorControl(object): '''An abstract controller that must be implemented in subclasses. This controller is used to interface with Pickrunner. ''' def __init__(self): '''Initialize the object and do nothing else.''' super(BehaviorControl, self).__init__()
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_selection(cls): '''list: The selected objects in the Maya scene.''' return []
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_settings(cls, obj): '''dict: Any information stored in the given object that can be used.''' return dict()
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def get_object_name(cls, obj): '''str: Find the unique-name of the given object.''' return ''
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def assign(cls, from_object, direction, to_object, settings=None): '''Set an object to be remapped to another object, given some direction. Args: from_object: The object that will have the direction and to_object stored onto. direction: Some unique key to store onto from_object. This direction should always point towards to_object. (How direction points to to_object is up to the developer to implement). to_object: The object to remap to when direction and from_object are given to :func:`BehaviorControl.do_motion`. ''' pass
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def do_motion(cls, direction, obj): '''Move the object to a given direction. How exactly it should "move" must be implemented in subclasses. For example, in Maya, this method will select a node that is associated with the given node-direction pair. Args: direction: The direction to move to. obj: The object to move from. ''' pass
class AssignmentManagerWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget): '''A Qt widget used to pair objects together. For example, in Maya, this widget is used as a GUI to implement a special-pickwalk function. ''' selection_mode_label = 'Selection Mode' assignment_mode_label = 'Assignment Mode' mode_options = (selection_mode_label, assignment_mode_label) def __init__(self, controller, parent=None): '''Create the base window and its child widgets. By default, when the GUI loads, it is set to selection mode. Args: controller (BehaviorControl): A environment controller. Basically, any function that is unique to a particular DCC like "get_selection", "set_info" is put here. parent (:obj:`<QtCore.QObject>`, optional): Qt-based associated object. Default is None. Raises: RuntimeError: If the up-arrow button doesn't exist. ''' super(AssignmentManagerWidget, self).__init__(parent=parent) self.controller = controller self.loaded_object = None self._current_mode = self.selection_mode_label self.setLayout(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()) self.autopair_check_box = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Auto-Pair') self.mode_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.selection_mode_label) self.loaded_object_widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() self.loaded_object_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('Loaded object:') self.manager = DirectionPad() self.assignment_info_widget = visibility_widget.ExpandCollapseWidget('Assignment Info') self.layout().addWidget(self.mode_button) self.layout().addStretch(1) self.load_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.load_widget.setLayout(QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()) self.load_widget.layout().addWidget(self.loaded_object_label) self.load_widget.layout().addWidget(self.loaded_object_widget) self.layout().addWidget(self.load_widget) self.layout().addWidget(self.manager) self.layout().addWidget(self.assignment_info_widget) # Put the "Auto-Pair" checkbox widget next to the up-direction button index = self.manager.direction_layout.indexOf(self.manager.directions['up']) if index == -1: raise RuntimeError('No up arrow widget could be found') row, column, _, _ = self.manager.direction_layout.getItemPosition(index) self.manager.direction_layout.addWidget(self.autopair_check_box, row, column + 1) self.init_default_settings() self.init_interactive_settings() def init_default_settings(self): '''Update this widget to make sure its default display matches its input. Also set toolTips, objectNames, and other information of widgets. ''' self.loaded_object_widget.setReadOnly(True) self.autopair_check_box.setChecked(True) self.update_appearance() self.setMinimumHeight(270) self.autopair_check_box.setToolTip( 'If disabled, connects are only 1-way. But if enabled, connecting an ' 'objects will be connected 2-ways, by default.') load_tooltip = 'Select an object and then click load selection to load it' self.loaded_object_widget.setToolTip(load_tooltip) self.manager.main_widget.setToolTip(load_tooltip) self.loaded_object_label.setToolTip(load_tooltip) self.mode_button.setToolTip(textwrap.dedent( ''' Click to change Pickrunner's modes Assignment mode lets you edit object-direction relationships like clicking left on "objectA" will move to "objectB". Selection mode will actually change your selection from "objectA" to "objectB" when you click the left button, assuming you've created this relationship in advance. ''')) self.mode_button.setStyleSheet( ''' QPushButton[mode=selection] { background-color: rgb(65, 130, 130); } QPushButton[mode=assignment] { background-color: rgb(178, 75, 255); } ''' ) self.mode_button.setProperty('mode', 'selection') self.setStyleSheet( ''' QPushButton[status="okay"] { background-color: rgb(0, 120, 0); } QPushButton[status="not_okay"] { background-color: rgb(200, 200, 0); color: black; } ''' ) self.mode_button.setObjectName('mode_button') self.manager.setObjectName('manager_widget') self.assignment_info_widget.setObjectName('info_widget') def init_interactive_settings(self): '''Create all of the button load/selection functionality of this GUI.''' def load_selection(): '''Load the selection into our GUI and update its appearance.''' try: obj = self.controller.get_selection()[-1] except IndexError: obj = None self.set_loaded_object(obj) self.manager.main_widget.clicked.connect(load_selection) self.mode_button.clicked.connect(self.toggle_mode) for widget in self.manager.directions.values(): if self.is_load_selection_widget(widget): continue widget.clicked.connect(self.do_action) def _make_info_line_widget(self, label, obj): '''Create a widget that will display the direction and object info.''' container = QtWidgets.QWidget() container.setLayout(QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout()) obj_widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() obj_widget.setText(self.controller.get_object_name(obj)) obj_widget.setReadOnly(True) container.layout().addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel(label)) container.layout().addWidget(obj_widget) return container def is_load_selection_widget(self, widget): '''bool: If the given widget is the "Load Selection" widget.''' if widget == self.manager.main_widget.objectName(): return True return widget == self.manager.main_widget def is_pairing_enabled(self): '''bool: If the user wants to make assignments reflective.''' return self.autopair_check_box.isChecked() def has_loaded_object(self): '''bool: If this widget has an associated object.''' return self.loaded_object is not None def set_loaded_object(self, obj): '''Change the loaded object to the given object.''' self.loaded_object = obj self.update_appearance() def set_mode(self, mode): '''Set the current mode of this GUI to the given mode. Raises: ValueError: If the given mode wasn't one of the expected modes. This method expects a mode that's defined in "mode_options". ''' if mode not in self.mode_options: raise ValueError('Mode: "{mode}" was invalid. Options were, "{opt}".' ''.format(mode=mode, opt=self.mode_options)) self._current_mode = mode self.update_appearance() def clear_info_widgets(self): '''Delete all of the info widgets in the GUI.''' expand_layout = self.assignment_info_widget.expand_widget.layout() for index in reversed(range(expand_layout.count())): try: expand_layout.itemAt(index).widget().deleteLater() except AttributeError: pass def do_action(self): '''Do the associated action for the button that called this method. Note: This method relies on the objectName of the widget that calls it. The objectName is used by the controller to modify the loaded object. Raises: RuntimeError: If this method was not called from a Qt widget. ''' try: direction = self.sender().objectName() except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError('do_action must be called from a Qt-signal') if self._current_mode == self.selection_mode_label: try: selected = self.controller.get_selection()[-1] except IndexError: return self.controller.do_motion(direction, selected) return # Add the selected object as the "object to jump to" for our loaded # object + the given direction # try: driven_object = self.controller.get_selection()[-1] except IndexError: pass else: opposite_directions = { 'up': 'down', 'down': 'up', 'left': 'right', 'right': 'left', } self.controller.assign(self.loaded_object, direction, driven_object) if self.is_pairing_enabled(): self.controller.assign( driven_object, opposite_directions[direction], self.loaded_object) self.update_appearance() def toggle_mode(self): '''Change from Selection Mode to Assignment Mode or vice-versa.''' index_for_the_new_mode = 1 - self.mode_options.index(self._current_mode) mode_label = self.mode_options[index_for_the_new_mode] self.set_mode(mode_label) modes = { self.selection_mode_label: 'selection', self.assignment_mode_label: 'assignment', } try: mode_property = modes[mode_label] except KeyError: mode_property = '' self.mode_button.setProperty('mode', mode_property) def update_appearance(self): '''Set the GUI's widget colors and options based on our stored info.''' self.loaded_object_widget.setText( 'Click "{label}"'.format(label=self.manager.main_widget.text())) # Repopulate the assignment details for the loaded object self.clear_info_widgets() reference_object = None if self._current_mode == self.assignment_mode_label: reference_object = self.loaded_object elif self._current_mode == self.selection_mode_label: try: reference_object = self.controller.get_selection()[-1] except IndexError: pass info = self.controller.get_settings(reference_object) for key in sorted(info.keys()): if self.is_load_selection_widget(key): continue assigned_direction_object = info[key] self.assignment_info_widget.add_widget( self._make_info_line_widget(key, assigned_direction_object)) is_assignment_mode = self._current_mode == self.assignment_mode_label if is_assignment_mode and self.has_loaded_object(): self.loaded_object_widget.setText( self.controller.get_object_name(reference_object)) self.load_widget.setVisible(is_assignment_mode) self.autopair_check_box.setVisible(is_assignment_mode) self.manager.main_widget.setEnabled(is_assignment_mode) self.manager.main_widget.setVisible(is_assignment_mode) if is_assignment_mode and self.has_loaded_object(): self.manager.main_widget.setProperty('status', 'okay') else: self.manager.main_widget.setProperty('status', 'not_okay') self.mode_button.setText(self._current_mode)